It's been so long since I wrote about what's been happening! I have a lot of things I'd like to share including thoughts on encouragement, failure, commitment, and running outdoors so this week while Greg is gone on a Spring Break backpacking trip and I have some more time at home to myself I hope to write a little more about each of these.
For now though I just want to say that today I am scheduled for a 7 mile run. I'm planning on heading out between 2 and 2:30 to get started (although with this perfect weather and the time change I could leave much later and still be running in the warm/light evening!) on what will be the longest distance I've ever set out to conquer! Running, walking, or alternating between the two, the longest I've ever done is a 10K which is 6.2 miles.
I know for sure I will not be able to run the full 7 miles (we'll talk about this later on in the week) but I'm excited to have a new distance record and to keep on making them week after week from here on out! It feels like a good day to go farther than ever before!
New longest run coming right up - wish me luck!