Stories, thoughts, and photos as I become a runner

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My Best Run Yet! ...and dealing with the struggle

For every single run since I started training, I had to walk at least a small part.  It's been so disheartening.  Recently I've noticed a measurable improvement - my mind was definitely quitting before my body as I wound down week 2.   The thing that got me discouraged was that I knew I would be adding mileage this week, and I began to wonder (I even wrote in my running log) "Will I ever run the whole thing?!"

Yesterday was my day people!  

It was only 2 miles which is actually less than I ran last Thursday or Friday, so I really thought it was possible, but my mind started to wander around 1.25 miles which has been a bad sign in the past.  I just told myself: No, this is the day you do it, this is the day you run it all.  

I knew I could so I just didn't let myself stop.  And I did it!  No walking at all.  Not only did I run the whole 2 miles, I did them at a faster pace than normal!  Even if I have to walk part of every training run from here on out, this was a major victory for me.

Like I said, my body can definitely do more than I give it credit for.  My legs aren't as tired as they were the first week, my heart rate is in a healthier range now that I've found a good pace, I've even gotten a good idea of when I should be drinking water as I go.  The problem is my mind.  It's so easy to just think "This is too far, I'll just walk for .10 of a mile, maybe. 25 and then run again" but I can't let myself think like that if I want to run the whole 13.1 in May.  So in the last week I started trying some different things and they all did help. I watched an episode of White Collar on Greg's tablet, I listened to sermons on my iPod, and I reminded myself what I am running for.

When I'm struggling with the temptation to quit I remind myself of the things my friends are struggling with.  If I can sit down to lunch with a recovering crack cocaine addict who lives in a building where people use literally (not figuratively, literally) every day, and she can tell me how Jesus is sustaining her, how can I not run the last half mile?  If I hear stories about a mother reconciling with her children for the first time in their adult lives, how can I not run an extra mile for the first time in mine?  If I believe Christ really has the power to change our lives if we submit to his work changing it, how can I not submit to a few miles on a treadmill?

Running has been a great reminder for me of just how difficult it is to struggle.  I try not to do hard things, I don't really like to (I mean, nobody does) and often there are people around me who are better suited or who can help me (Greg can reach the high shelves when I need something, Charles can show me how to use the printer when it breaks down, Jen and Samone can help me out in a tough conversation at the shelter, it goes on and on).

But the reality I've been considering as I struggle to keep running when I'd rather just walk is that homelessness is a serious struggle.  There is no option to not do hard things - everything is hard.  I'm sure I will have a struggle every single day I run, but at least I get two or three rest days a week, the people I'm running for don't get any.  It's a great reminder that I have to continue to pray for Jesus' much greater strength as I get tired, and for that same strength as my friends get tired too.  I hope you'll join me in praying for them this week as they struggle.  Please pray for them as they face finanical inscurity, broken relationships, and bitter cold in Pittsburgh this week (it's currently 14 degrees).

As I run for LIVING Ministry, please consider financially supporting me and my daily work sharing Christ and his hope with the homeless.  Your donation will support our shelter outreach programs, our weekly breakfast service, job fairs, and more!  You can give on our website and mention the marathon in the comment box, or visit my page on Crowdrise.  Thank you all for the encouragement and support!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas Running Swag

This is a long one folks, so grab a cup of tea, put on your reading glasses, and settle in.  Or feel free to skim, I'm just happy you're here!

I'm sure some of you are wondering how the first week went, in fact, if you are reading this blog at all, it probably is because you care to know exactly that!

Well, it went...okay.  Simply okay.  I did worse than I thought I would in terms of my stamina, 2 miles was a real challenge for me.  Normally that would really have brought me down to "it was an awful mess" but I really love the fitness center I'm running at, and Greg (my very cool and supportive husband) has been encouraging me to run, and even going with me to the gym!  Not to mention all of the encouragement sent both online and in person.  All of this has really boosted my spirits and even though the running has been tough physically, I feel great mentally!

Last week I clocked in at 8.25 miles total!  I've been able to keep track thanks to this running log my sister gave me for Christmas.

I like this book a lot.  Each week is written out day by day with space to record what activity I did, where and when (which is great for recording times!), my distance that day, as well as comments about the run.  So far I've  logged every day and I'm really looking forward to reading back over these early days in a few months.  It's nice to have a written record of how things are going, and as a bonus each week comes with a helpful running tip.  Thanks Kaylee!

I got a few other things for Christmas that I was really excited about.  Mom and Dad Burdette (my awesome in-laws!) got me this running watch which will be a great tool when I start having longer runs. 

I hate having to map out my route in advance and then remember every turn so that I can get the right distance.  I knew I didn't need anything too serious, I really just want a way to know how far I've run. I tried a few iPod apps, but without a data plan, there were just a lot of inaccurate pedometers.  I tried using these when I trained for the Great Race 10K but they really didn't help because they were just so inaccurate.  I knew I would need something of a higher quality for the Half Marathon.

After a little bit of research, I came across this Accelerator Run Watch.  Instead of using GPS or pedometers, this watch instead gauges the acceleration of my movement.  Essentially as I move, a small part of the watch moves in proportion to my speed.  After entering my stride length the watch can calculate my running speed and using all of this information - my distance.  I haven't yet used it since my long run this week was only 3 miles and I used the treadmill but I am really looking forward to trying it out when I do my first outdoor long run!  The reviews were generally pretty glowing so I think this will be a fun treat in the Spring!

Last but not least, the most important equipment this Christmas came from Greg.  He promised me that if I would really get serious about running I could invest in a good pair of running shoes!  When I had made up my mind to train for the Half, Greg and I made an appointment at True Runner  (the Shadyside location is only 4 or 5 blocks from our apartment).  There I got fitted for my first pair of real running shoes.

After having my gait analyzed, I tried on a few pairs.  The analyzing was actually really simple, they just took a video of my calves down as I ran on a treadmill for about 30 seconds.  From this video they were able to identify that I put most of my weight on the inside of my foot when running - and I could really see what they meant when they showed me the video! 

I was pointed in the direction of the extra internal padding and in the end I chose the very first pair I tried on.  Their staff was great and really knew their stuff.  After trying on about 300 wedding dresses (exaggeration, don't worry) I never thought I would pick the first anything I tried on for the rest of my life, but this was the right suggestion for sure.  Thanks True Runner! 

Here they are! The Brooks Adrenaline GTS13.  I don't know too much about the different types of running sneakers on the market, but I do know that I sure love the bright blue laces, and I can definitely feel the support as I run.  I think as the mileage adds up, and I do more outdoor running, it will be a real asset to have the right kind of running shoe to keep me as stable as possible with each step and cushioned against the concrete.  

I also got a really neat, really bright jacket for outdoor runs (also from my sister!), and $30 in iTunes from my Uncle Win which I plan on using to update my very out of date running playlist.  I love the 90's but it's time for some new jams!  Here is all of my new running gear set against the beautiful hardwood of my living room haha.  Special thanks to my photographer Gregory S. Burdette for these stunning photos.


Finally, for those of you who are invested in my running schedule let me lay out the plan for this week.  I'll be repeating Week 1 of my training schedule to build confidence before hitting up Week 2.  This week's running schedule will be:

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 2 miles
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday:  2.5 miles
Friday: 3 miles
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: 25-30 minute cross train or gently paced run

Normally Saturdays will be my long run day but this week Saturday will be very busy at work so I'll be using my Friday Sabbath to get the long run in.  Thank you all for the support and encouragement!

Don't forget that if you'd like to support me financially as I run with Team LIVING Ministry you can always do that here and be sure to mention the Marathon in the comment section.   If you'd like to emotionally support me as I run - feel free to leave comments as often as you'd like! 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Opening Day

Well ladies and gents - today is the first day of training!

I thought it would be good to post my thoughts and feelings before I take my first run.  It will be a good way to judge where I'm at, knowing where I started.  Once the running gets under way, I'll be sharing regularly how it's going physically as well as mentally during training.

On the whole I feel nervous - it seems like a gargantuan task ahead of me.  In my life the farthest I've ever run without stopping is about 3 miles.  I'm not sure how I'll fare with the additional 10, I'm really anxious and have a tenancy to create doubts very quickly.

But I've been praying about training without doubt!  This summer, my friend Lauren told me that running is 90% mental and if there's one thing I know about myself, it's that I can build a tower of doubt in no time.  I'm going to constantly be praying that my mind wouldn't jump to doubts about my knees, if the weather will be nice enough outside, how I will find the time to do long runs, if my pace is alright, how hard it will be to breathe, and on and on the list could go, you get the picture.

As far as today's run goes - I feel pretty confident!  The first run on my schedule is only 2 miles, I can definitely do that!  I'm also not sure yet if I'll be actually "running" today.  A friend of mine who ran the Pittsburgh Marathon two years ago suggested doing a few of the short runs on the elliptical to minimize the strain on my knees.  The miles will really add up week after week and I do have some knee troubles already, so today I'm going see how I feel when I get to the gym after work and pick the treadmill or the elliptical then.

By the end of the week I'll have about 9 miles in the book (Literally! My sister got me an awesome running calendar for Christmas!) and I can't wait to see how it goes.  I'll be sure to post an update on my first week of training, as well as the running gear I got at Christmas soon.  There are so many thoughts racing through my mind but the dominating thought for the day is: "First day, 2 miles, totally doable".  

Wish me luck!

Don't forget that if you'd like to sponsor me as I run for Team L.I.V.I.N.G. Ministry you can do that online here, making sure to mention the Marathon in the comment section!  Please feel free to search around the L.I.V.I.N.G. Ministry website while you're there!